A to Z Mission Trip Planning & Resources

Your planning guide with simple timeline, checklists & robust resources to give you clarity & organization.

You're going on a mission trip!  The sheer excitement and joy is exhilarating as you envision all that will happen. 

Ever feel like going on an international mission trip can be complex?

  • Overwhelming details to organize. 
  • Fundraising goals. 
  • Timelines to stick to. 
  • Deadlines to meet. 
  • The list goes on and the pressure builds... 

Save time, money and hassle by using the Mission Trip Preparation Course framework. 

When you complete this simple course; you will:

  • Get your team on the same page
  • Have peace of mind & clarity on all next steps
  • Cut through the overwhelming details
  • Have more time to focus on the heart of the mission
  • Be equipped with useful resources, downloads, templates & forms

Don't Get Lost in Your Planning

We'll Be Your Guide

Don't try to reinvent the wheel.  We've helped tens of thousands of other people with their mission trip planning and organization.

Mission Trip Preparation Course participants have all details in place - armed with helpful resources, forms, templates & checklists. It's everything you need to know about mission trips. 

You will be the most organized and have time to truly invest in relationships with other team members and those you serve.  

Mission Trip Details Covered

Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Planning Timelines & Checklist

  • Top Fundraising Ideas

  • Visas - Entry/Exit Requirements

  • Passport Resources & Guidance

  • Travel Resources & Downloads

  • Mission Trip Packing List & Much More


  • 1

    Instructions for this course

    • Welcome Message - Your Best Mission Trip Ever

  • 2

    12 Months Out

    • Video: Excitement & Expectations

    • Overview: Making a Commitment

    • Confirming Trip Dates & Details

    • Begin Fundraising

    • Top 10 Mission Trip Fundraising Ideas (PDF)

    • Budget Template for Mission Trips (XLS)

  • 3

    9 Months Out

    • Video: Manage Details Early

    • 9 Months Out Overview

    • Passports

    • Visas - Entry/Exit Action

    • Immunizations

    • US Passport Application (PDF)

  • 4

    6 Months Out

    • Video: It's Getting Real! What Now?

    • 6 Months Out Overview

    • Confirm Visa Application

    • Travel Protection Insurance

    • Submit Signed Travel Documents

  • 5

    3 Months Out

    • Video: No Turning Back

    • 3 Months Out Overview

    • Secure Airline Tickets

    • Research Baggage Requirements

    • Mission Trip Packing Essentials Resource Guide

    • Thank You letter to prayer and financial supporters (DOCX)

  • 6

    1 Month Out Up To Departure Day

    • Video: Ready to Pack Your Bags?

    • 1 Month Out Up To Departure Day

    • Arrange Ground Transportation

    • Copies of All Necessary Documents

    • Confirm In-Country Details

    • Preparation & Packing

    • Mission Trip Packing List (PDF)

    • Mission Trip Packing Essentials Resource Guide

  • 7

    Departure Day & During Trip

    • Video: TODAY is the Day!

    • Departure Day & During Trip Overview

    • Departure Day

    • During the Trip

    • Mission Trip Devotions (DOCX)

  • 8


    • Video: Reflect, Rejoice, Repeat

    • Post Trip

    • Post-Trip Thank You Letter (DOCX)

About Your Instructor

Program Director

Chris Niemeyer

Hi, I'm Chris Niemeyer.  I'm host of The Mission Trip Podcast, founder of MissionTravel.org and MissionTrip.org  I love missions and helping others stay focused, organized and successful in their trip. As an entrepreneur, speaker, coach & podcast host I've helped thousands of mission trip leaders and over 100,000 travelers save by streamlining their mission trip planning. The goal is to help you save time, money and resources so you can focus on the heart of the mission and the people you serve.  


Missions Pastor

Pastor JP

This course was key in the success of our recent mission trip. The best trip investment we made!

Head Pastor

Tim Hawthorne

This course is amazing, focused and full of helpful resources. Worth every penny!

Mission Trip Leader

Kari G.

I definitely recommend this to EVERY person going on a mission trip - veteran and rookie alike.

Resources & Topics

Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Visas - Entry/Exit Requirements

  • Travel Resources & Templates

  • Top Fundraising Ideas

  • Passport Guidance & Ressources

  • Mission Trip Packing List

  • Immunizations Guide & Much More

No-Hassle Guarantee

You won’t regret this investment!

You're 100% safe to try this out. That’s all I’m suggesting. Try it for 30 days to see how it works for you. 

If it does, you’ll be delighted - and I think that’s exactly what’s about to happen. 

If for some reason you’re not pleased with the peace of mind you’ll receive and the orderly system of planning, then just let us know - we’ll send your money back.

You must be absolutely convinced The Mission Trip Preparation Course - and your FREE resources - will improve trip preparation, help your fundraising and keep you organized.

Team Investment